quinta-feira, 30 de setembro de 2010

Poema novo-Maybe

Fiquei na dúvida se postava esse poema que escrevi no original,em inglês,ou se eu deveria traduzi-lo,enfim decidi que como a inspiração de escreve-lo surgiu em um momento inusitado e todo ele veio pra mim nesse idioma,o correto seria deixá-lo original,assim como ele veio ao mundo...rrsrs
Hoje o dia foi ótimo para mim,almocei com amigos e assistimos a um ótimo filme juntos...Tudo de bom mesmo...
Bom,espero que gostem do poema e caso queiram a versão traduzida,por favor deixem em comentário abaixo e terei o prazer de postar para todos também...Beijos e abraços...


Maybe it isn't time to change
Maybe it is time to stay the same
Maybe it isn't time to go on a trip
Maybe it is time to stay home,quiet

Maybe the sun is not shining for me
Maybe it isn't shining for nobody
Maybe the moon is not a lover
Maybe she is just a player

Maybe the world is not broken
Maybe someone just forgot to finish it
Maybe my love isn't over
I'm sure that without you I can't breath

Life is a "maybe"
Love is a "maybe"
Everything is
We're nothing,nobody is something

We try,but we'll never reach it
Perfection wasn't created to us
Two kids playing different roles we were made for

Even though we're small
We still think big
That's who we are,selfish people

Why don't you swallow your pride
And try for once,living life with dignity?
And why don't you set me free if you just keep saying "no"?

Maybe you're not living
Maybe you're just existing
Why is that for?
Who is that for?

You don't even know how to answer these simple questions
Maybe because you don't really know life
Or you don't know yourself.


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